When referring to page rankings using the word ‘Guarantee’ is like mentioning Richie McCaw’s name in the Wallabies line up….it simply does not belong there yet I hear this time and time again coming from digital marketers promising the world to business owners.
These claims typically come via email and include statements such as “We guarantee #1 Page Ranking on Google”, “Top Ranking within 48 Hours”, “Results Guaranteed” and are usually combined with negative comments about your website and how they have the expertise to fix everything for you.
The crazy thing is even Google themselves received these types of emails – https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/35291?hl=en
Google page rankings are dictated by many contributing factors both in the paid and organic space and most are completely out of our control so how can anyone guarantee page placement? The truth is they can’t.
Let’s look at this logically. If someone could actually guarantee page position results across Google they would at the very least need to:
A. Own Google or be a major shareholder.
B. Possess an even greater intelligence level than Stephen Hawking.
C. Be a freakishly good magician e.g. Dynamo.
Unfortunately, this is a frustrating part of many industries and you will always get the cowboys but there are also many good operators in the market who are doing the right thing for their clients and setting realistic expectations.
Like with most marketing campaigns it can take time to see results but if you implement the right strategies that are set on solid foundations you will achieve success!