Chart showing last-click attribution

Last-Click Attribution – The Bigger Picture to Online Marketing

Understanding human behaviour has always been a major part of effective marketing. In the digital age, the way we monitor and understand the behaviour of customers has taken on many forms, with one of the more prominent approaches being last-click attribution. In this article, we discuss how to move past the somewhat rudimentary way that the last-click model currently looks at behaviour, for better results.

Why We Need To Look Beyond The Last Click
Last-click attribution is an approach to web analytics focusing on the “last click” as the main driver for sales. This entails having a system to track where a customer came from before buying what’s on offer. However, the sale or conversion is viewed as a result of the last click and not from the initial source of discovery (for example, a social media or PPC advert that came up in a keyword search).

How is this approach a hindrance? Well, it neglects the entire story. Internet users often visit and return to a website several times before finally making a purchase. You can’t fully understand the effectiveness of advertising if you only pay attention to the tail end of the story. Here are a few tips to help you move past this common occurrence.

Tip #1: Go For A More Holistic Approach
Instead of a single-focus attribution model, start a change towards dynamic attribution. Look at the customer journey from start to finish, so that you get the full story. This will help you do a better job of using advertising at different stages of the value chain.

Tip #2: Know That Rome Wasn’t Built In A Day
Digital marketing is an ongoing process that requires you to be adaptable and consistent. Make peace with the fact that the change won’t be immediate. Introduce basis data sets bit by bit – such as revenue data – until you have a working analytics system for your business.

Tip #3: Diversify Your Use Of Analytical Platforms
Once you’re steady on your feet, take the leap to introduce data tools that address other parts of the customer journey. This will help you focus in on more accurate analysis of data.
It doesn’t help to have access to mountains of data if you don’t know how to make the most of it. Instead of focusing on one part of the customer journey, pay attention to the whole story to make your keyword and other digital marketing more effective. If you’re not sure how to do this, we can help. Contact Sprocket Digital today.


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