A lot of time and energy goes into creating and launching a business website, but the effort doesn’t end there. Small business owners should be aware that website management requires as much effort if you want the site to keep producing a return on investment. A business website should be consistently updated and improved using reliable data from analytics. Do you know if your website’s pages are loading at an optimal speed? Have you used any duplicate images or content? Are your call-to-actions (CTAs) producing the intended results? If you can’t answer any of these questions, then you need to develop a small business website optimisation plan so that you can keep abreast of its current progress, and how it affects your online marketing.
What You Should Include In Your Website Optimisation Plan:
To keep your website competitive, appealing to customers and optimised for search engines, here’s what you should focus on regularly doing:
1. Testing
Certain aspects of a site require constant monitoring for effectiveness and optimisation. In addition to its overall performance, you should continuously be split testing and optimising your headlines, CTAs, design and social media buttons. A professional online marketing agency can help run regular, thorough checks and make the required changes and updates.
2. Combing
Content is a critical part of a website. It plays a crucial role in offering visitors the solutions they seek and helping search engines rank your site favourably. Engaging and relevant content is good for business. Poor content riddled with inaccuracies and errors leaves a poor impression with visitors and Google’s algorithms alike.
3. Securing
To protect your website and your site’s visitors, maintaining the security of your website is a priority. A reliable backup plan and firewall should be in place, and all themes and plug-ins should be up-to-date.
Failing to update or improve your website poses several risks to your business, including ruining your brand image and chasing away potential customers. Website optimisation remains the best way to ensure that your company has a successful online presence. Sprocket Digital has dedicated itself to offering online marketing services for small businesses. If your website needs extra attention to keep it performing at its best, then give our experts a call today.